This Far, No Further

People with loving and helpful spirits often cause their own destruction due to their self-sacrifice. Takers will ALWAYS be takers…so now matter how much you love them, give to them, or do for them, it will never be enough.

Guarding yourself from selfish, immature, disrespectful people is not “being mean” or Un – Christ like. Guard your heart, mind and body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, and test EVERYTHING. Only do what you know God is leading you to do for others, and remember you belong to Him.

Do not be a slave to people trying to make you feel guilty, like a failure, or unloved if you don’t do what they want! People that manipulate you for their own gain are liars and thieves. They will steal your time, your money, your opportunities, your freedom, your gifts and abilities, and even your body.

Learn to recognize when this is happening to you, and love and respect yourself enough to draw the line in the sand and say “this far, no further!”

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